10 weeks to calm and contentment
A 10 week transformation to live a more present, connected, and purposeful life. Embark on your own journey of self-discovery and transformation, unlocking the keys to lasting happiness and fulfilment.
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In a world of progress and wealth, mental health struggles and burnout persist, leaving us feeling full but not fulfilled. Our relentless pursuit of happiness through possessions and achievements seems to lead us further from the goal, trapped in a cycle of striving but never arriving.
Do you ever feel there must be more to life than chasing external goals, always waiting for happiness around the corner? Never finding the time to do the things that really matter? When we cultivate inner contentment, we discover a happiness independent of external circumstances. Using ancient wisdom to solve our modern problems, I believe happy humans make a better world.
- Create your life by design and experience the freedom of a life well lived
- Uncover your essence, everything that makes you unique and reconnect with your hopes and dreams to live a life of meaning and purpose
- Master the art of appreciation so you can enjoy what you have
- Find time to reconnect to the things that truly matter
- Master your mindset to train the brain for positivity
- Simplify your life to free up space
- Learn how to navigate set backs and grow from challenges
- Become more present, connected and calm
The pursuit of happiness is taking us further away from the goal. It’s where we’ve gone wrong. What if our fulfilment and wellbeing actually wasn’t about finding happiness? What if we focused on inner contentment, creating the conditions that bring about an inner happiness regardless of external circumstances.
I'm passionate about restoring the essence of being human—connecting with ourselves, each other, and something bigger. This programme offers a roadmap to navigate modern complexities and reconnect with what truly matters.
Drawing on thousands of years of ancient wisdom from various cultures, combined with the science of people psychology, we believe we have the answer and we’d love to share it with you.
Your Instructor
International speaker, coach and author of eight personal development books specialising in mindset, performance and women in leadership. A well known Imposter Syndrome expert with a background in Senior Human Resources roles and a decade working in leadership development.
A brush with burnout in her corporate career lead Jess across the world to train with Buddhist monks and nuns. A decade later, after coming out, writing eight books and running her own successful business she shares what she knows about mind-set, resilience and self-belief to empower people to unlock their potential.
I help busy high achievers go from burnout to brilliance, to cultivate a mindset of peak performance, lead with confidence, fuel our tanks to ensure we are a sustainable resource and can achieve our potential to have influence and impact.
Tapping into our brilliance creates a positive mindset, we have more fulfilling careers, because we spend time doing what matters, our to do list is aligned to our purpose.
We have the confidence to back ourselves, own our space and stop doubting ourselves, we don’t compare to others and we stop procrastinating.
We develop impact and have more influence, we feel less fear and are able to lead with confidence to perform at our peak
When we achieve our potential we make more money, develop our career, gain the confidence to go for the promotions and make better choices.
When we’re full of energy we’re resilience, we have more free time, because we’re not overwhelmed trying to do everything for everyone. We’re also healthier and happier.
Highly acclaimed event speaker featured on TV3, BBC, RNZ, Dominion Post, Stuff and NZ Business Magazine. Described as inspiring, articulate and relatable by audiences. Jess has a passion for sharing her knowledge and motivating others with her words.
Course Curriculum
PreviewIntroduction (4:07)
StartDownload your workbook
PreviewMy story (5:12)
StartWeek 1 Art of appreciation (13:00)
StartWeek 2 Presence & calm (10:40)
StartWeek 3 Creating space (5:33)
StartWeek 4 Simplicity (8:13)
StartWeek 5 Nurture & nourish (8:59)
StartWeek 6 Reconnect (4:29)
StartWeek 7 Compassion (3:31)
StartWeek 8 Essence (6:07)
StartWeek 9 Life by design (8:54)
StartWeek 10 Next steps and keeping this alive (5:27)
StartWrap up (2:33)